I guess news has dried up of late, in this case anecdotally supporting the adage that no news is good news.
Judy has been feeling well in the context of the past 2 months, we are very grateful indeed for this. Being grateful seems a poor item to report on and has nothing to do with ducks.
Let me see if I can justify a blog....
Some among you, or among your friends, have various cures, treatments, recommendations, miraculous tales to share. We are happy to receive them all but I wanted to explain my attitude towards the fringe elements of healthcare. This will probably offend but you have to remember my medical credentials and accept that I have a voice in this matter :-)
Firstly I realize that those who raise their hopes for better treatment or a cure do so out of a desire to help, encourage, give hope. This is welcome, it's nice, it's encouraging.
Firstly - cancer is quite complicated. I know a lot more about breast cancer than there are people that I'm smarter than. Cancers are different from each other so what happened to your friend when they drank distilled bat plasma under a full moon does not always have much application to our situation. I try to not get into too much medical jargony detail here but every time I talk to Hans I have to have a wee lie down until my head stops hurting.
Secondly I know that alternative treatments are a popular avenue in many parts of the world and I don't know anything about their specifics. I haven't read the studies. I haven't passed an oncology board examination. I haven't even had much exposure to alternative medicine. I'm not knocking the field, if these things have helped you, your friends, cured your niece Anastasia then 'cool'.
Thirdly this is my take on things so you know how I will respond to your suggestions, or what barriers you have to pass to convince me to pay closer attention.
Judy, whom I love, and love to talk about, has been incredibly healthy all our life together. I ate Big Macs and fries for lunch and dinner and Judy ate salads. Judy has always exercised and I smoked. Judy loves vegetables, and I dream of developing a pesticide to eradicate Brussels Sprouts from the world. It's a noble cause,
click here to help fund my research.
We have been eating organic stuff for quite a few years now, we cant quite remember but it predated Judy's cancer. So telling me that it's her diet is not going to get you much traction. Statistically Judy can't have stage 4 cancer - she's a 4-sigma exception.
Now as for complimentary treatments - acupuncture, massage, and 'yodeling your way to a stress free life'. They all have a place and we might use complimentary treatments to palliate Judy's symptoms. Your grandma's chicken soup recipes are welcome - my attempts at a good soup from the internet stalled at several tries that only resulted in watery chicken casserole.
Alternative treatments though - this is the tough spot as they are an alternative to the proscribed medical treatment. Again you have to remember that I hold the medical profession in pretty high regard. Some of my best brothers are doctors.
In America there are 2 main protagonists in healthcare. I exclude Obama and won't post any political views here. I exclude doctors as well, they are just in the middle trying to skim a livelihood off the top. To my mind the players are the drug and insurance companies. Let me expand that for the 3 people still reading.
Drug companies are profit making entities. They like having you on expensive drugs, especially non-generic ones. They are motivated to find treatments for things that make you feel bad. Do they want to cure the common cold? Given the amount of money cold remedies make them maybe not. However the minute Pharmaceutical ABC gets a breakthrough they will milk it for all it's worth. They are business entities and can be relied on to act in their own best interest.
In Judy's case we pay approx. $10 per month for her hormonal treatment. Ergo they have no interest in Judy at this stage. Perhaps various trials that are underway may become of interest to us later on. My point is that they are not withholding a magic drug that will cure Judy, just so they can keep that $10 per month flowing.
The insurance companies dictate every action of the medical profession. They pay the doctors for what they do, so they control what the doctors do, directly. Secondly America has this thing called litigation. If the doctors treating Judy don't provide a defensible course of treatment then I can sue them and take a lot of money away from them. They tend not to like this. Going further, if the insurance companies know about a miracle cure for Judy's condition and they don't provide it then they will be sued for hundreds of billions of dollars. Are insurance companies sweet, friendly, or helpful in any way? Nope, but they are profit making entities and as such are motivated by the steady supply of money and as such are comfortably predictable.
Either the drug companies will track down the active ingredients in 'natural' cures to make a killing (and save lives!) or the insurance companies will investigate whether there is credible evidence that might lead to lawsuits against them if they do not support the provision of that treatment.
This is my logical framework to process the options we face. No I don't blindly trust in companies, and there are examples of immoral behavior in companies! Imagine that, sin in the world!
I believe that if there is a cure in the world then this financial pressure will expose it, but
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, and blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When every earthly prop gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found,
Clothed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.