Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I will try to do regular posts on here, probably without the nice photos that Judy always added. To try to make up for it I'll add spelling and grammatical errors.

So status today is;

- Judy had her heart drain out by the surgeon this morning. I was in attendance to offer support and direction if he needed it. Apart from needing some help with taping up the insertion point the surgeon did pretty well.
- So now there are drains to the lungs still in place and the amount of fluid draining is reducing quite steadily. Part of the struggle this week was getting the drain rate to decrease, while also keeping her hydrated. The more fluid she had in the IV or via driniking, the more fluid works its way out of the drain as well. Add the management of blood pressure, pulse rate, and lung and it really was a pretty complicated process.
- Since all her key systems (blood pressure, heart rate, private biological functions etc.) are working they moved her from the Step Down unit today. It's called Step Down cause it's a step down in management and monitoring from ICU. Judy had a very high level of care while there!
- The surgeon also said this morning that Judy should be home 'by the weekend'. I have reason to doubt the clarity of his verbal communication skills (which i won't go into here) so this means somewhere between Friday and Sunday. Friday would be nice but I still need to dust the vegetables and iron the mail. Important that everything is ready for her return home.
-Judy still has significant pain at times. Coughing is good for her lungs but really painfull. She has been walking pretty well although today although after the heart drain was removed I could see things were more painful.
- We have had a lot of visitors, each have been a great encouragement and blessing. We are very grateful for all those who have taken the time out during busy schedules to come and show their concern and love to Judy. Knowing that it's not fair to highlight anyone in particular, the best boost for Judy came from 2 young people who weren't even in the hospital. They are her piano students and had recorded a message of encouragement and a recital for Judy. A very special memory! Not everyone has been able to come visit, some kiwis have pretty good escuses I guess, but we have also been overrun by offers and deliveries of food as well as other practical demonstrations of support and care. I can't really keep up with the emails, calls, and texts. I do read them all and share them with Judy. Just because you might not get a reply please be assured they are warmly received and a big part of how the Lord has his hands wrapped tightly around us.
- Next steps. The scan has had to be delayed until Monday. Most things drive from the results of that scan and the biopsy results from her op on Saturday. The scan will show other possible areas of spread and the biopsy will show the nature of the disease. According to the oncologist yesterday the nature of the disease can mutate so all the characteristics such as estrogen receptor postive, or HER2/neu receptor status might have changed. This has direct bearing on the treatment options. So at this stage we are resting in the Lord and working through each day and the blessings and challenges that come with them.
- For anyone still reading  - Congratulations! You are determined indeed! Final item is about me - My right eye is doing very well. My surgeon is very pleased with progress and I can currently see at 20/25. Slight improvements still expected.


  1. Ron - Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us all updated! I'm truly grateful. After ironing the mail, iron the sheets, too - especially the pillow cases. Makes for a nice comfy bed. Keep up the good work. We love you all and are praying for your whole family.


  2. Dear Ron, Great that you give us such a detailed and warm report about Judy's situation. (you're a great writer!) We think a lot about you all and wish you strength. Please give my love and a big hug to Judy. Love from your cousin in the Netherlands. xxx Gerwy (daughter of Jo de Vries)
