A fair warning - today was an emotional day for both of us.
Judy has been very tired these last few days. yes it really has been a roller-coaster. We don't know the cause of her tiredness as yet, but will see the oncologist on Monday. The first option is the progression of the disease through her body. The other extreme (to our limited minds) is that she is still suffering through her post-op recovery. Naturally a combination of the 2 is true to an extent.
When we have such uncertainty it can be a real struggle. How much time do we have left together? Do we start working on the papers, or do we still have a lot of days to enjoy? Can family come now, soon, or is the next few months still going to be OK?
In the midst of these up and downs the Lord makes His presence felt so strongly. I had a blessed time of encouragement from my brother last night, and blessed conversation with a brother in the Lord this morning. While walking the dog a neighbor with tears in his eyes offered prayers and support for us. I opened the mail today and there were no bills only cards of love and encouragement. A young girl brought a meal that her class at a local Christian school had prepared for us. Meals are brought to us with little separate packages to add to the salad, a dessert, some breakfast treats.
So our emotions are up and down. Sometimes it's nice to talk about politics, often we think "Elections? Really? In what country will they be voting?"
Constant in all of this has been our comfort in the Lord and our delight in the way he does lift us up when we are feeling dismayed. From a young girls knock at the door, to the lyrics of a special song, to the thoughtful practical help of those far away, the Lord brings kindness and shows his compassion for us through all these many ways.
Judy normally would have sent cards out to all of you by now, expressing gratitude for all that you have done for us. She is frustrated that she has not been able to do so and now I think we are just overwhelmed - "how many thankful cards do we send that family for meals now? is it 3 or 4"?
Cards in the mail can not express it. Know that you are the arms of the Lord around us.
I'm so grateful for this post, Ron. It helps me to know how to pray for you guys. Thank you for taking the time to write it and please give Judy a big hug for me and tell her I love her!