We managed to collect almost all our belongings in Brookfield. At the last minute we remembered a complete dinner set that had been stored in the attic. Since the truck had just departed with container in tow, we tossed the box in the car and it has a happy new home in Canada. About an hour after being on the road Ron announced that we had left the bird feeder behind. It was a special gift that i had received for mother's day one year, designed to foil any squirrels' plans of getting to the seed and it has done just that. We have had many cute little visitors and all their friends and family; blue jays, cardinals, American goldfinches, sparrows, chickadees to name some. Let's hope the new owners keep the cylinders full of bird seed. As a side note, ron's aunt, who shall remain nameless, puts vaseline on her bird feeder pole and has great delight in watching the squirrels tumble to the ground.
Ron (and Eliot, when he is allowed) is very happy driving a roomy rental - Chevy Suburban - with plenty of capacity for all our baggage. Since we are flying business class from LAX - thanks to accumulated air points from all Ron's business travel over the years - we have a generous baggage allowance. When we arrive in Christchurch it will be winter so we each have a summer and a winter bag.
Canada has been a very special place for us particularly these last 14 years during our sojourn in the U.S. We have had many enjoyable camping holidays with the Canadian Snoeks. There has always been a warm welcome for us at various relatives' homes in Toronto and environs. This last time was no exception. All of Ron's 7 cousins (with additional family members) came to a potluck meal, along with his uncle and two aunts. We are truly sad to leave them all.
Last night we met up with dear friends, Bill and Hazel at a restaurant in Grand Rapids, MI. It was wonderful to catch up and reminisce after several years. Bill was the pastor of our former church in Newtown, CT, before he left to pastor a congregation in Ohio.
So far after leaving CT,we have passed through MA, NY, Ontario, MI, IN, and are currently in Illinois. On long trips we often see how many different license plates we can spot. Thus far we have been too busy with crosswords (me), clash of clans (Eliot), candy crush (Ron), reading and ipad games (Troy), and a competition between Ron and Eliot for maximum fuel economy. No points for guessing who has won the competition so far at 23 mpg. Who always wins games in our household (except 'Set')?
Troy would be going into high school if we weren't returning to NZ. It is customary to celebrate the transition here with a graduation ceremony. Americans love to celebrate. Troy attended a small local Christian school for the last 18 months. Here he is giving the class speech and generally looking handsome.
Until the next post,
The US Snoeks, almost to be the NZ Snoeks (except Eliot)
Great post, Judy, and thanks for all the photos! I'm glad there were lots of helpers for loading the container. I'm glad the trip is going well so far and that you are all having fun. Be safe and you are in my prayers. Love, Elisabeth