Chronologically this post shouldn't go here as we visited this park today and i have many other photos (by the way, i love my camera, thanks for the recommendation Franci) of the last several days. However, the Bryce Canyon deserves an exclusive post and i do not want to get too behind with chronicling our trip. We found the scenery so breathtaking, even moreso than the Badlands.
This is a lesser known National Park. I, Judy, had never heard of it before we embarked on our road trip. It has amazing colours and rock formations - many look like extensive fortresses atop other layers of rock, other formations have rocks precariously balanced on top of each other, yet others are rock arches, and the park is so vast. Additionally, one can see the orange coloured rock miles and miles after leaving the park. We also saw interesting wildlife but i captured only one animal on film. Black bears and cougars are occasionally sighted. At the uppermost point of the park the rangers had removed all the trash cans because of a recent bear sighting.
The beginnings of the vividly coloured landscape as one gets closer to the park boundary.
An arch on the access road to the Canyon.
This is truly the colour of the rock; not photoshopped.
A close up of some of the formations. At one of the many viewpoints along the roads is a formation named 'organ pipes' which i wanted to photograph for Opa Snoek but i didn't come across it. There are so many places to stop. We also could have walked miles of trails but at 33C there was little incentive!
Another view.
This a tame walking trail. Most were very steep which is no surprise since we were at around 10,000 ft and at view points it was a sheer drop down. Not good if you are afraid of heights. We saw quite a few groups of horse treks. Instructions went like this; the horses are trained to walk close to the edge, please do not scream as this will frighten the horses, if you are scared please close your eyes.
It kind of defeats the purpose really.
This photo shows the strata well.
We saw many interesting plants and trees. This one is good for Lord of the Rings or Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz.
This is either a pronghorn or an elk. We have no North American animal experts in our family to identify the beast.
Another amazing arch.
This looks like some sort of animal's head.
This was the tiny tourist town of Bryce appropriately in a western theme, just before the entrance to the National Park,
The rocks to the right of the pathway are petrified and selling for between $5,500 - $7000. Inside the little stores pictured above were a plethora of rocks, minerals, fossils, carvings, antiques, etc.
We met an elderly customer who had been many times to Chch on business, and a retailer and his wife who had visited chch as recently as November. What a small world.
Troy has a penchant for a wide variety of hats. He has been asking for a stetson since we began the journey so we acquiesced.
One final picture of this beautiful landscape that God created. A verse from one of the selections in the blue Trinity Hymnal comes to mind when i think of this marvellous creation;
He built the earth, He spread the sky, and fixed the starry lights on high.
Wonders of grace to God belong, repeat His mercies in your song.
Until the next post,
The travelling Snoeks