With apologies to Stella as clearly cats dont belong in bags!
Yes, we have finally come to the decision to return to New Zealand. We plan to let Troy finish off the term at school, sell the house and return to Christchurch in June this year.
Work will have a job for me in Christchurch but otherwise are really taking the line that it's me wanting to go there, so I have to fund it myself. Given the way the respective housing markets have moved over the past few years, and the exchange rate, I have been walking around the house like a grumpy, wounded bull witha thorn in it's paw(hoof). Appearances are deceiving however as money is not a factor in our decisions. Yes it's useful stuff to have but we see that the Lord has put an opportunity in front of us to be closer to family, church, and friends. A few dollars doesnt get in the way of that :-)
So we are very excited although not without sadness at leaving our friends in the USA. We have actually lived here longer than we have anywhere else in our married lives. The logistics of the move back are also pretty daunting to us right now. We will be looking for a rental apartment or home in Christchurch in June/July (as well as a school!). If you know of anything available please pass on the details. Also if you know of any one who wanted a freshly painted house in Connecticut .....
From Animula (TS Eliot)
Issues from the hand of God, the simple soul,
To a flat world of changing lights and noise,
To light, dark, dry, damp, chilly or warm,
Moving between the legs of tables and of chairs
Rising or falling,
Grasping at kisses and toys,
Advancing boldly, sudden to take alarm,
Retreating to the corner of arm and knee,
Eager to be reassured, taking pleasure
In the fragrant brilliance of the Christmas tree
Pleasure in the wind, the sunlight and the sea'
Studies the sunlit pattern on the floor.
The pain of living and the drug of dreams
Curl up the small soul in the window seat
Behind the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Issues from the hand of time, the simple soul,
Irresolute and selfish, misshapen, lame
Unable to fare forward or retreat,
Fearing the warm reality, the offered good,
Denying the importunity of the blot,
Shadow of its own shadow, spectre of its own gloom,
Leaving disordered papers in a dusty room;
Pray for Floret by the boorhound slain between the yew trees,
Pray for us now and at the hour of our birth.