Thursday, April 26, 2012

General Douglas MacArthur a.k.a Troy

Troy selected a five star American General for his History Fair project and was able to tell us a lot about him when we visited the school today.

 This is fairly close to how MacArthur dressed.  He was very fond of his corncob pipe and donned sunglasses - we didn't have the aviator style sunglasses - but he would have had a bunch of authentic medals, not the cheap copies that we got from a party store.  We couldn't get a general's cap in a khaki shade so I bought some fabric the same colour as the shirt and after using the hat as a template to cut pieces of the fabric, I handsewed the fabric on top of the black cap.  It was finicky and a lengthy process but worth the effort. 

I doubt Troy would ever make a stern general despite the picture above this one.  This is a much truer likeness of him.  He might frustrate us at times with his lackadaisical approach to life but we are so thankful for his perpetual cheerfulness, unwavering affection, and guileless spirit.  On the eve of becoming a teenager, despite physically having gone through the process of maturing already for some time now, we have yet to encounter Troy in a bad mood, one of the classic symptoms of a typical teenager.   Yes, I'm sure I was moody. 

Being the 'baby' of the family means he gets to come with us even if it doesn't suit him; to music concerts, helping to clean up someone's yard, visiting friends of his parents who have no children his age or even no children at all, etc.  He rarely complains and for that we are grateful. 


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U.S Snoeks to the Canadian Snoeks

Last week being Troy's spring break, we took the opportunity to visit family further up in North America where we always get such a warm welcome.  We usually avoid the 401 - the highway that goes through Toronto - and Niagara, and take a different route up and around crossing into Canada at 1000 Islands.   This time however, we wanted to visit two of Ron's aunts who live in the Toronto region so it made sense to stay in Buffalo, NY with friends for a night and then stop off for visits on the way through to Uncle Hans's place.

Here are a few of Tante Leny's paintings and embroideries.  Her artistic talent is amazing. 

 We had lunch downstairs in the restaurant that is part of the complex that she lives in.  As you can see she is doing pretty well for her age although I'm sure her stoicism covers up a fair bit of ongoing pain and discomfort. 

Tante Mieke broke her hip when she fell on ice a few months ago and further exacerbated her injuries when she bravely tried to get herself up on a car door handle.  Thankfully she is doing very well although doesn't have permission to drive yet.  In spite of being reliant on others for help which must be frustrating at times, she is as always, cheerful and gracious. 

Here's the lovely afternoon tea she had ready for us when we arrived; silver sugar and milk set, tea cups that Jane Austen would have relished drinking from, plenty of tempting treats and a lovely spring arrangement to boot.

These aren't the best snaps of Uncle Hans, but I started off the vacation with good intentions and my photo sessions fizzled out to nothing.  On the last day I realized I had taken none of Uncle Hans and none of the cousins.  Another good excuse not to wait too long until we visit Canada again! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Piano Recital

Saturday afternoon most of my piano pupils (bar my adult students) participated in performing two prepared pieces of music.  It was as if I was standing beside them whispering in their ear, reminding them of all the things I say during a typical lesson - forte here, pianissimo there, ritardando, watch the phrasing, a little more staccato, don't over use the pedal etc.  They did a wonderful job. 

As you can see by the photos, there is a cross section of ages and cultures.  Even though probably all of these children were born in the U.S their heritage is varied - Italian, Korean, Dominican Republic, Russian and, of course, the land of the long white cloud.   

Here's Troy looking more like he's playing in a casual bar than in a church.  That blue T-shirt peeking out from under his shirt is a much better choice than the highlighter green one he would have chosen.  One of my students asked me if Troy got saddled with extra long and difficult pieces because he is the piano teacher's son.   Hmmmm....  maybe I could be a little kinder next year to my own flesh and blood.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Assortment

This has probably been our most diverse Easter to date.  On Friday we were invited to a very enjoyable Seder (Passover) Meal.  It follows a specific form where all the elements and history are explained, and four traditional questions are asked and answered.  This has been a tradition of the host family for about 10 years now.  What is special about this Jewish tradition is to commemorate it as Christians;  with thankfulness to the Lord for the completion of His work in redeeming His chosen people. 

 Bill and Lisa, ever the gracious host and hostess served an abundance of wonderful cuisine - with leftovers to take home - and we enjoyed getting to know some other folk during the evening.

On Saturday evening we went to an Easter service at Brookfield Anglican Church.  A friend who has been going through some challenges, and is attending there, asked if we would attend.   It is a very beautiful stone church with stained glass windows inside. 

On Sunday we went to our own church, Orthodox Presbyterian, and, between the services listened to St Matthew Passion.  Since Bach was a Lutheran I could say we were dabbling in quite a few different denominations this weekend. 

Easter is springtime here for us of course in the northern hemisphere.  The supermarkets are full of potted plants - tulips, hyacinths etc @3 for $10.  My favourite colours are always the pinks, whites, blues and purples but I particularly liked the shade of this tulip. 

Eliot came home very briefly over Easter.  He had planned to join us for the Seder Meal but he only managed to stay for the appetizer as he was unexpectedly called back for R.A duty (resident assitant).  He arrived home in a much more colourful vehicle than we remembered he owned.  Apparently a bevy of girls decorated his car.  Sigma Chi is the fraternity that Eliot is a part of.  I  was a little disappointed that there weren't more Latin words painted on the car than just the measly two that are visible on the door.   
This just about deserves a post all on its own.  I almost needed CPR following the whole episode.  Here you see Ron smiling while cleaning the toilet, not having been coerced to do the dirty deed and then admitting that he didn't mind doing it.  Furthermore, he did a great job.

I hope you all had a blessed Easter.  Remember:

Commit thy ways to Jesus, Thy burdens and thy cares,
He from them all releases, He all thy sorrows shares,
He gives the wind their courses, And bounds the ocean's shores,
He suffers not temptations, To rise beyond thy power.

From St Matthew Passion